Link to the full version coming up in 2019 https://marjanraar.blogspot.com/2019/03/kanken-full-version-coming-up-in-may.html
KÅNKEN, a physically challenging choreography by SweetDreams Kollektiv, in which 2 dancers are taking the challenge of defying time and age. The age difference of 30 years between the dancers makes the challenge complete.
This piece is a physical dance and movement performance, in which the boundaries of the past and future are shaken up, age is thrown away and time disappears like sand, while the moment remains.

What we say about KÅNKEN:
"With KÅNKEN, we want to create an earthy, poignant, raw but sensitive, performance about the power of the past, the challenge of the future and the reality of the present.
A dance piece with strong physical images in which we also, just because we like it, carry a piece of Finland with us, with its extreme climate and wild nature "
KÅNKEN (pronounced konken) is Swedish for dragging,pulling or carrying, is a new production of SweetDreams Kollektiv by dancer / choreographer Linda Holmström and dancer / choreographer Marjan Raar, both working in Finland. Linda is Finnish but originally comes from Åland and Marjan is Dutch but lives in Finland.
KÅNKEN is a project divided into 3 parts:
A version for outside locations
A version for galleries and small spaces
A theater and whole evening version
Part 1 will be performed at:
Friday 24 at 19.00 in Mariehamn
Saturday 25 at 14.00 in Bomarsund
Saturday 25 at 19.00 in Mariehamn
Part 2 will be performed at:
Friday 31.8 at 20.00 at Prenzlauer studio / Kunst-Kollektiv in Berlin

graphic design by Dio Lau@Prenzlauerstudio/Kunst-Kollektiv Berlin
Friday 24 at 19.00 in Mariehamn
Saturday 25 at 14.00 in Bomarsund
Saturday 25 at 19.00 in Mariehamn
Part 2 will be performed at:
Friday 31.8 at 20.00 at Prenzlauer studio / Kunst-Kollektiv in Berlin
Winsstraße 42, 10405 Berlin, Germany

graphic design by Dio Lau@Prenzlauerstudio/Kunst-Kollektiv Berlin
Here a short impression of KÅNKEN part 2 in Berlin
Part 3 will be created during spring 2019
Here more information about the project:
Choreography and dance: Linda Björkqvist & Marjan Raar
Music and sound: SweetDreams Kollektiv
Costumes and props: Linda Björkqvist & Marjan Raar
KÅNKEN has received support
for part 1 : Ålands Kulturdelegation
for part 2: LTA ( the Regional Dance Center of Western Finland), Barker-teatteri, Prenzlauer Studio / Kunst-Kollektiv
KÅNKEN has received support
for part 1 : Ålands Kulturdelegation
for part 2: LTA ( the Regional Dance Center of Western Finland), Barker-teatteri, Prenzlauer Studio / Kunst-Kollektiv