BLACK a solo dance for 2
Black is an intense, rough, mysterious solo dance in rage and peace in a bare environment with nothing else but a floor, lights, music. And dance. Back to the instrument that matters most..the body. All additional and artificial grace is abandoned. Back to zero. Fragile and vulnerable yet brave and daring after 30 years of being in a home away from home.

Choreography and concept Marjan Raar
soloist Marjan Raar
alter ego and soloist Linda Holmström
light design Arttu Aarnio
music Muziekfabriek & others
marketing Barker Teatteri
pictures Jesper Dolgov
Opening night friday 13.11 at 19.00
Next performances: Saturday 14.11 at 19.00
Sunday 15.11 at 15.00
Friday 20.11 at 19.00
Saturday 21.11 at 19.00
Sunday 22.11 at 15.00
Black has been supported by Svenska Kulturfonden, Läntinen Tanssin Aluekeskus and Barker Teatteri.
Tickets : 15 &10 euro
reservations :
information :
Barker Teatteri
Raunistulantie 25 H Turku
directions on